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Blocking out the noise

by Matthew Ondesko: Managing Editor

Jadyn Dains knew when she came to St. Mary’s High School there would be a lot of pressure. After all, she was joining a volleyball team that is a staple of greatness in Western New York.

Routinely, the Lancers have won Monsignor Martin, and State, titles. So, as someone who comes into the volleyball program, there is always a lot of pressure to keep that kind of momentum going.

In her time with St. Mary’s, Dains hasn’t buckled under the weight of those expectations, she has thrived. Everyday she goes up against some of the best players in WNY, and that has helped her gain the confidence to become a leader on the court.

“Being in the St. Mary’s program has definitely taught me a lot of things such as learning my teammates every practice. Going up against them while we scrimmage has definitely made me work harder and want to push myself more,” stated Dains. “Playing with girls like Gwen McCarthy and Carson Tyler, it really forced me to have a harder drive in practice which led to game type situations when it came to games like Fairport or Sacred Heart. Having the older girls to look up to they turned into my role models, they set a great example on how a leader should be and now coming into this season I hope to take off from what they taught me and now serve that role.”

Her role has changed since her time with the Lancers. Coming to high school as an outside hitter, Dains made the switch to the middle during her freshman season. While the transition might not seem big to some, those who play the two positions know’s how different it is.

Over the past couple of seasons Dains has put in the work to make herself of the best middle hitters in the game today. She has worked hard with her setter to make sure they are on the same page every game day.

“As a middle hitter, learning how to play this position was definitely something new. Coming in my freshmen year I was an outside but Coach Donnie transformed me to be the next middle,” stated Dains. “What I have worked on the most the past two years was definitely having a very strong connection with my setter Maddie. Being loud on the court and making sure I am heard by her makes a huge difference when we have a loud atmosphere.”

One of the biggest difference about playing in the middle is the reflexes. You need to have fast reflexes, and be on your toes to play in the middle. They are covering all over the court, and getting up high to block shots.

As she got more time in the middle, Dains became more comfortable with her role. She has been in sync with her teammates in the front row.

“Having fast reflexes and being quick on the court kind of just came along as I started working more in the middle. When in middle I’ve learned you always have to be on your toes and ready to move all over the court,” stated Dains. “During practice having the one on one help, helps a lot. When I have a coach correcting my footwork and teaching me more and more, I carry everything onto the games and practices until I have it down perfectly.”

Her communication skills have also improved as time has gone on. She knows she needs great communication to make sure they all get up in the air at the same time to block shots from the opposing team.

It’s all about positioning. If there is a little gap between the two blockers the hitter can fire the ball right between both for a winner. Dains makes sure that her and her teammates are as close to each other, so then the hitter has to either go through them or try a different angle.

“Something that makes a good block is having good communication with the pin hitters. Having to get up as the same time isn’t easy when nobody’s talking to each other,” stated Dains. “Another thing that I look for in a block is that I’m closed with the person next to me. If there’s a hole between us, it makes it easier for the hitters to hit right between our hands. When I go up to block I just have to have a lot of confidence in myself, especially against the stronger hitters.”

Her hard work has paid off, and if definitely isn’t lost on her that she is starting for St. Mary’s. Earning the respect of her coach, who recently got his 700th win, is something that isn’t lost on her.

With so many starters gone, Dains has taken a bigger role on the team. She has become the leader that everyone knew she could be. While she feels the pressure, at times, Dains is also excited to try and lead this team is a 21st state title.

“Starting for the past two years on the St. Mary’s team is definitely an honor by Coach Donnie, especially knowing he puts his trust in me so young to get us to that state title. This season after a lot of starters left, I am definitely feeling more pressure as in last year but knowing I have such a high role on this team now, I have more confidence in myself and know I need to help my team as much as I can this year,” stated Dains. “No matter if it’s with my hits, loud mouth, or my enthusiasm, I will be there to lead this team to take our 21st state championship.”

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