Confidence on the ball

by Matthew Ondesko: Managing Editor
When it comes to being successful in anything, confidence is a big factor. If you don’t have the confidence in yourself trying to succeed makes it that much tougher. As an athlete, being able to know how good you are is a tough thing.
Sure, people will say you are great player. But, if you don’t believe in yourself than whats the point. As an athlete it does’t matter how good you are if you can’t see it for yourself.
Early in her soccer career, Lenoir-Rhyne soccer player Sienna Wolf struggled with her confidence. Everyone was telling her how good of a player she was, but Wolf was still struggling to figure out how her game fit in with everyone else.
That was until she got to college. The light switched on last year when she stepped on campus thanks in large part to the Lenoir-Rhyne players and colleges.
“Personally I’ve really struggled with my confidence over the years but ever since I’ve been apart of Lenoir Rhyne Women’s Soccer my confidence has never been better,” stated Wolf. “My coaches, teammates, and friends have instilled confidence into me. I really have such amazing people always supporting me and hyping me up when I need it the most.”

That led her to appear in eight games as a freshman last year. She was able to see how the college game played out, and how she was going to fit into a team that has very high expectations every year.
Getting into games early in her carer has also instilled the confidence in her that she can computer at this level. Coming into her sophomore season, Wolf worked her butt off in the offseason to improve every part of her game.
She worked on all the little things. Things that people might now see, or take for grant it.
“Playing in the midfield is definitely a lot of work. This summer I have been really working on my change of direction and quick moves to create more changes in games,” stated Wolf. “I am so lucky my team has really good communication and hard working players, because it makes it easier in the midfield and it’s so enjoyable. It’s easier to play when you are surrounded by amazing players giving their 100% all the time.”
The biggest challenges comes when Wolf does finally get into a contest. Like any player, she wants to prove to herself, and everyone, that she belong out on the pitch every single minute of every game.
A player with something can prove can sometimes over do it. They can try too hard and then mess up when given the opportunity.

“When I get put into games I feel like a different person almost. You really have to want the ball and to win no matter what. I give it my all and to not overthink every play I make in the moment,” stated Wolf. “If I make a mistake I move on to the next play trying to win it back and think how next time I can fix my mistake. Another positive about my coach is she is always brutally honest. I usually ask how I can fix or change what I did so I can keep getting better and better.”
Another big change for Wolf was the weather. Her entire soccer career has been up in Buffalo, NY. The soccer season is Buffalo, except for the year, is usually played under more cooler conditions. Only in the beginning of the season will you see 80 degree temperatures.
Now Wolf plays soccer down south in North Carolina. The heat, and humidity, is a lot different than Western New York. That was a bit of an adjustment, but Wolf loves everything that Hickory, North Carolina has to offer.

“Playing at a school in the south was such an amazing opportunity. A downfall of it was the weather difference. Comparing Buffalo NY and Hickory NC, It was difficult adapting to the heat while playing. Hickory is a small part of NC but has so much to offer,” stated Wolf “My favorite place is downtown Hickory which has shopping, cute coffee shops and even many restaurants. With traveling with the team I get to visit many new areas I’ve never been before since I’m traveling mostly all south. I’ve embraced living here and see myself moving to NC in the future.”