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Finding the right balance


by Matthew Ondesko: Managing Editor

It’s all about finding the right balance.

Most student-athletes struggle with trying to find the right balance between sports and other interest. Some athletes will just focus completely on sports, and improving their game at every second of the every day.

While that certainly is important, at what cost. As athletes have become more aware of their mental health, you see a shift where they are now finding those interest outside of training, and games.

Williamsville East High School field hockey player Riley Redanz is a very busy person during the summer. She plays club field hockey and they are always at tournaments. While at tournaments it gives Redanz a chance to play against some of the best players in the country, while still being able to enjoy a little vacation time.

It’s all about balance.

“In preparation for my next high school season, I have spent time finding that balance between field hockey and other interests,” stated Redanz. “Right at the beginning of the summer my club team (Stampede) had a tournament in New Hampshire. After that tournament my family and I spent a few days in Maine so that was a nice balance of hockey and vacation. Stampede had a few other games this summer, one in Canada playing against a team from England, which was a cool experience.”

But, she also likes to keep busy. So that included time with her teammates at Williamsville East as they prepared for the upcoming season, which already is underway, participating in clinics - and just practicing whenever she can. Which, includes putting some holes in the walls.

“I like to keep busy so in addition to club practices every Wednesday night (with Stampede) I volunteer to help the coaches with the younger teams. I attend camps, clinics, and tournaments whenever it works in my family’s schedule. I also practice in my basement as anyone can see by the holes I have accidentally put in the walls,’ explained Redanz. “For six weeks of this summer I am participating in a daily field hockey clinic with another area club, the Buffalo Hurricanes, which includes strength training. It’s a great program run by Coach Pollinger (Pici) who is such a kind and encouraging coach. This program has definitely prepared me for the high school season and beyond. It’s a great way to start each morning. Another opportunity my East teammates and I had to prepare for the season was playing in Thursday Night Lights (high school league) in July. It was great to get my teammates together and to get excited for the season to come.”

Redanz game has certainly caught the attention of a lot of people. She has been invited to some big tournaments that have a lot of college coaches in attendance. This was a chance for her to showcase herself on the big stage.

It was also a chance for Redanz to improve her game by going up against some of he best players in the country.

“Last year (2023) I did get selected for Nexus Championship in Virginia Beach, which was made up of top athletes selected from around the country. That was an amazing experience being on a team with such talent and an experienced D1 coach that led us to win the championship. It was an honor to be there and it was an experience that helped me to grow in confidence and in skill. I met girls from all over the country. I did not get selected this year but am going to work hard to be chosen for next year,” stated Redanz. “The Apex Summer Games was an opportunity to play in front of D!, D2, and D3 coaches from different areas of the country. Getting instruction from multiple coaches in one setting was a great experience. Meeting girls from all over the country is exciting and reconnecting with girls from previous events is fun too.”

On the field, you will see Redanz playing in the midfield for Willimasville East. This allows her to help the team on both sides of the ball. She can come back and help the team defensively, but then create space for herself and try to get those goals when she can.

“I play both midfield and forward. For school (Williamsville East) I mostly have played midfield. I love the midfield because,” stated Redanz. “it allows me to help my team both defensively and offensively. I love being able to create space to allow the ball to move up the field, setting up the forwards for a scoring opportunity. When I play forward it’s a rush of excitement to shoot on goal or deflect a pass a shot into the net. I like being able to switch positions depending on what my team needs.”

If she wasn’t busy enough, Redanz is a two-sport athlete at Williamsville East. In the spring she throws on the cleats, and picks up the bat, and plays for the softball team. In fact, Redanz played travel softball for seven years, up until this past summer, before deciding to concentrate fulling on field hockey,

Being a two-sport athlete is very important to Redanz. While she has put all her focus on field hockey, playing softball in the spring allows her to continue to play both sports that she loves.

“Being a two-sport athlete is very important to me. I feel playing school and travel sports forces me to have routines and stay organized which helps me have academic success as well,” stated Redanz “After seven summers of playing intense travel softball, I recently stopped playing travel softball and I solely focused on field hockey this summer. Softball has always been a huge part of my life and always will be; so playing school softball in the spring provides a great balance of playing both sports I love.”


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