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Learning Curve

by Matthew Ondesko: Managing Editor

Photos: Geoff Schneider

It’s not exactly how you want to start your athletic career.

Mount Mercy Academy tennis player Mara Lipinski had exactly one week to learn how to play tennis before she was thrown into a match against East Aurora her junior season. One week to learn the game of tennis.

That was asking a lot of the now senior. She had to learn how to hold a racquet, hit forehands, backhands, serve and keep score all in week. With numbers low at the beginning of last season, Lipinski had no choice but to be thrown into the fire right away.

She came in with a good attitude, and the team was very welcoming, as she learned the game pretty quickly.

“When I first came into the season I had a lot of nerves,” stated Lipinski. “Because I came into the season not having picked up a racket before made it nerve wracking, but overall the whole team was welcoming towards me and made it an easy adjustment. My main focus when thinking of our first match was my hitting. I wanted to try to be as prepared as possible and get it down as quickly as I could, even if I wasn't the best at it.”

After the opening match against East Auora, Lipinski would see herself in and out of the lineup for most of the first half of the season. It wasn’t because she wasn’t good enough to compete, it was more to get her acclimated to the game.

Being able to watch her teammates allowed her to get a grasp of the game. It allowed to her see how to conduct points, and go after the other team’s strength and weaknesses. In the second half of the year, Lipinski earned herself a starting spot.

“When I wasn’t playing and I watching my other teammates, it helped me learn more about the game and helped me to learn from mistakes that I may have made,” stated Lipinski. “It was also just fun being able to see their games from the sidelines and watch them become better players throughout the season.”

Her hard work throughout the season finally paid off when she teamed up with Linda Li for doubles against Buffalo Seminary. In a match Mercy needed to have to win the overall game, the duo teamed up to win their doubles match.

Not only did they win, but Lipinski played extremely well as her confidence started to grow with every winner, and volley she hit.

“My experience with my first varsity win was definitely one I will never forget,” stated Lipinski. “The experience itself was a proud self moment. I was happy to be able to go over to my coach and tell him I won and it was my first year playing.”

A year later, Lipinski is one of the seniors on a team that has a great mix off youth and veterans on it. While the season hasn’t gone according to plan, Lipinski is one of the quiet leaders on the team.

She has taken freshman Sophia Nowak under her wing, as the two have teamed up to form the second doubles team. Watching her interact with Nowak has been enjoyable as it bring her career full circle.

“Throughout my freshman season on the varsity team Mara has been such a good friend. Even though we have known each other for only a month it feels like we have been friends forever. I know I can always count on Mara to cheer me on and help me to think positive during a match,” stated Nowak. “She has always helped me to navigate the highs and lows of the season by encouraging me to keep trying even if I mess up and always cheering me on when I succeed. She is a great friend and I am so lucky to have her on the team.”

She was the one learning the game just a year ago, not knowing her place on the team. Now she is helping Nowak find her place, and game, on the team.

“Helping the freshman throughout this season is a learning experience for them but also me, As I was helping them I also felt like I was helping myself,” stated Nowak. “It has been a very enjoyable experience being able to watch them learn and grow over the season and become better each day.”

If there is one thing that you will notice when coming to a game, or practice, is that Lipinski is generally always in a good mood. She was one of the key reasons why Mercy won a division title last season.

Not because of her play on the court, but because of the way she was always brining in the good vibes. The team fed of it, and they were able to accomplish something that hasn’t happened in forever.

This year, her attitudes has rubbed off on the five freshmen that came into the season pretty quiet, but now are finding their voice on the team. While she isn’t technically a captain, Lipinski is a key member of the team.

“Sometimes going into sports with a positive attitude can be difficult considering the fact that it is so easy to get down on yourself. With this team, being upbeat and happy is not difficult,” stated Lipinski. “My teammates and I rub off on each other all in the right ways. When I am surrounded by my team, I feel such a radiant feeling of family and happiness,”

Now as her high school career comes to an end, Lipinski is able to look back at everything she has accomplished. It’s not about the wins and losses, but the friendships she has made a long the way.

Lipinski never thought she would be playing a high school sport when she came to Mercy four years ago. Now she will always be known as part of the team that won a division title, and have their banner always hanging up in the gym for everyone to see.

“Coming to Mercy I did not think I would be celebrating a senior night. Coming into high school I did not think I would be playing any sports because of the intimidation I felt. I have some sad emotions realizing that this is my last year with this team, and these seniors. Although I am sad I am so excited to see where life takes the other seniors after Mercy,” stated Lipinski. “Things that I will take away from my experience is to always be confident in yourself, and learn from your mistakes. Being apart of a team and playing a game means being able to have the ability to trust yourself and your instincts, learning from your mistakes helps someone grow as a player just like it helped me. Being a Yes,part of this team has helped me learn these things. Yes, I do think I should’ve joined the team sooner, considering that this team is comprised with wonderful young women.”

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