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Pickard keeps true to herself

by Matthew Ondesko: Managing Editor

As the morning dew hangs on the grass, the fog starts lifting on another early morning for soccer practice.

Out steps the players on the pitch as they get ready for another practice. This is a normal routine, something the players have done for years. But, this year is different. This is the last for some of the seniors.

This will be the last time they have to wake up early to get ready to start grinding for the season. They don’t care if it’s a little colder than normal on this particular day. It’s about hanging out with teammates for what might be the last time.

It has been quite the journey for St. Bonaventure women’s soccer player Kristin Pickard. One now that will end when this season comes to an end. She had been through a lot. Pickard had a great high school career, which helped her land a spot playing Division I soccer.

She has gone through injury, which gave her a setback - and helped her reevaluate what’s important. And, she had the comeback, showing that she could still compete at the Division I level.

Through it all, Pickard wouldn’t give up this journey for anything. The soccer team became much more that a team, but a family. A family that she will take with her for the rest of her life.

“The St. Bonaventure Women’s soccer team holds such a special place in my heart and I have made so many wonderful friends that I can call sisters throughout my four years on the team,” stated Pickard. “I will never stop saying positive things about Bonnies and always tell people to go and you will have the best experience.”

It was a learning experience for Pickard, that’s what college is about anyway. She learned a lot about herself on and off the pitch. She went from playing a lot her freshman year, to missing her sophomore season because of injury, to working her self back into shape again.

Through it all, Pickard kept true to herself. She stayed the same person she has aways been. She is someone who is upbeat, who will also put her teammates first, before her own needs.

“I would have to say that I’ve learned that everything is not given. You have to work for a spot on the team and even if you aren’t playing you still have a role on the team,” stated Pickard. “Soccer is a team sport and everyone has a role to lead the team to success. Throughout my time at Bonnies, I tore my meniscus the end of the Spring season my freshmen year and was out the whole next year. I learned that you are more than a soccer player, which got me through that difficult time and to find things outside of soccer to make you happy.”

Injuries are part of the game. It’s a tough pill to swallow when your season is going well, and you go down with an injury. Pickard had a solid freshman campaign, appearing in 19 games and starting 12.

Things looked to be on the upswing, then she went down with an injury. An injury that would cost Pickard her entire sophomore season. All the work she had put up to the point went by the wayside, as now she had to start the rehab process to get back where she wanted to be.

“Going into my freshman year I didn’t expect to play much as a freshman but was grateful enough to have played a lot of minutes,” stated Pickard. “Unfortunately, I was unable to play my sophomore season due to a tore meniscus, but came back my junior year. Coming back was definitely hard trying to find my confidence again but also just trying to play like myself again, getting my fitness back…it was a lot of work but, I always say everything happens for a reason.”

The injury gave Pickard a chance to see life a little different. A life that didn’t include soccer. While she worked hard to get back on the pitch, it allowed Pickard to put her life into a different perspective.

“Getting hurt really put a lot into perspective for me that there is more in life than soccer,” stated Pickard. “Obviously, every player wants to start and get a lot of minutes but, I look at it as it’s a privilege to even be a part of this program and I can have a different role on this team that can help this team to be successful.”

Since coming back it has been tough for Pickard to get those minutes that she has been so used to getting. Finding a different role is never easy for anyway, when they used to be a starter. In the beginning not playing took a toll on Pickard mentality.

It affected her confidence, which then put stress on her mental health. Over the years, Pickard has found things to help her relieve the stress and worry. She always tells herself to control what she can control, and to be the best she can be in whatever role she is given.

“As a competitor and just like every other athlete you want to play and you want to perform well and if your not getting those minutes it can be tough on your mental health. I know I struggled with my confidence that affected my mental health but, I found things to relieve my stress and worry and to focus on things I can control. Having a different role on the team I always tell myself that I should be the best at this role and still continue to support and love my team,” explained Pickard. “I think every opportunity you get to go into the game is a chance for you to prove yourself but every time I go into a game my top mindset is to outwork everyone around me and to give the team and yourself the best version and energy you can give.”

The Bonnies soccer team has seen that best version for the past four years, but all good things must come to and end. That is something Pickard is trying not to think about as the season is coming to a close.

She has made a lot of friends during her time at St. Bonaventure. Soccer has been a part of her life for the past 16 years and pretty soon it will all be over.

“It has definitely has been sad to think this is the last season with my best friends but, I don’t think it has really hit me yet. Soccer has been apart of my life for the last 16 years and I can’t imagine not going to soccer practice or preparing for a run test anymore. I think that it is sad to see this part of my life go but, it is also exciting to get to start a new chapter in my life,” stated Pickard. “I think this will be something I will have to get used to because I have been doing it for the last four years. I will say soccer has gotten me into a good routine and this has helped me so much in life and even without soccer next year I still plan to workout and get into a good schedule.”

As one door closes other one opens. Pickard is on pace to graduate, and wants to get her masters in counseling. The real world is scary, but Pickard is ready for it. She also hopes to stay in soccer by coaching a high school team, if she gets the chance.

“My plan after graduation is to get my masters in counseling preferably close to home and live at home in the beginning to save some money before I move out. The real world can be scary but, I am very excited to start a new chapter in my life and to become a school counselor,” stated Pickard. “My plan is to become a school counselor and if I can I want to coach the team at the school I would work at. I have always wanted to do that and I don’t think I can’t have soccer in my life in some way and I think this would be a great idea.”

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